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Excel Introduction
Overview (1:23)
Basic Sums Section One
1.0 Excel Basic Part1 (50:11)
1.10 Excel Basic Part2 (17:04)
1.1 Part One Resource
1.2 Exercise One Instructions (2:09)
1.3 Part One Exercise
Filters and Sort and Format as a Table section two
2.0 Database Sort filters and printing Part 2 (32:44)
2.1 Exercise Two Instructions (0:47)
2.2 Filter and Sort 2020
2.3 Part Two Exercise
Linking Sheets Section three
3.0 Linking sheets passwords paste special (26:44)
3.1 Exercise Three instructions (5:23)
3.2 Linking Sheets and Workbooks
3.3 Part three Exercise
3.3 Charting 2020
Charts and chart formatting Section four
4.0 Charts (17:24)
4.1 Chart Exercise (0:55)
4.2 Chart Exercise
4.3 Charting
Absolute Referencing and formatting Section five
5.0 Absolute Referencing (7:36)
5.1 Absolute Exercise Instructions (0:46)
5.2 Absolute Referencing
5.3 Absolute Exercise
Forms Sction six
6.0 Excel Forms (4:46)
6.1 Forms Exercise Instruction (0:47)
6.2 Forms
How to create a Cashflow forecast Section seven
7.0 CashflowForecast (6:38)
7.1 Cashflow Forecast exercise Instructions (0:22)
Consolidation Exercise Section eight
8.0 Consolidation Exercise (14:42)
8.1 Consolidation Exercise 1
8.1 Consolidation Exercise 1
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