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Microsoft Word beginner to advanced
Course Contents
Course Overview (3:45)
Practice files
Section One
1.0 Word Basics (10:11)
1.1 Copy and Paste (5:02)
1.2 Alignment (3:35)
1.2A Change Case (4:25)
1.2B Spelling and Grammar (7:29)
1.2C Header and Footer (7:18)
1.3 Indents (9:03)
1.4 Tabs (12:11)
1.5 Find and Replace (9:49)
1.6 Dictate (4:24)
1.7 AutoText (11:19)
Section Two
2.0 Numbering (12:59)
2.1 Section and Page Breaks (8:36)
2.2 Section Numbering (8:36)
2.3 Columns verses Text Boxes (11:10)
2.4 Letter Layouts (9:34)
2.4A Envelopes and Lables (4:58)
2.5 Language Translator (5:25)
2.6 Exercise One Instructions (1:45)
Section Three
3.0 Tables (23:55)
3.0A Link Excel to Word (7:55)
3.1 Hyperlinks and Bookmarks (5:46)
3.1A library reference file (5:52)
3.2 Calculations (11:20)
3.3 Exercise Two Instructions (1:35)
Section Four
4.0 Mail Merge (11:22)
4.1 Advanced Mail Merge (8:48)
4.2 Merge to Individual files (3:03)
4.3 Exercise Three Instructions (0:41)
4.0A Merge to Pdf (3:03)
5.0 Table of Contents (10:05)
5.1 Index References (4:59)
5.2 Seacrh and Researcher (1:25)
5.3 Captions (3:21)
5.4 Exercise Four Instructions (0:56)
Section Six
6.0 Track Changes (10:02)
6.1 Compare and Combine (4:21)
6.2 Exercise Five Instructions (0:36)
Section Seven
7.0 Forms (5:29)
7.0A Auto update fill in forms (18:29)
7.0B Doc Properties (8:49)
7.1 Automated Invoice
7.2 Multi profile CV (9:04)
7.3 Exercise Six instructions (1:15)
7.0C Template Folders (9:44)
Section Eight
8.0 Keyboard Shortcuts (8:31)
8.1 Visio diagram into Word (6:23)
8.2 Charts and Diagrams (21:38)
8.3 Exercise Seven Instructions (1:03)
Section Nine
9.0 Macros (12:54)
9.1 Exercise Eight Instructions (0:16)
Section Ten
10.0 Cross Reference and Footnotes (2:11)
10.1 Table of Authorities
10.2 Bibliography (2:10)
10.3 Block Author (3:22)
10.4 Exercise Nine Instructions (1:06)
Section Eleven
11.0 Master Documents (4:48)
11.1 Exercise Ten Instructions (0:35)
Section Twelve
Final Consolidation Exercise Instructions (3:14)
2.2 Section Numbering
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